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JChart2D-related links:

Sourceforge project page This project is hosted at sourceforge. Visit the page in order to submit bugs, request features, download the project, view the download statistics,... .
Freshmeat project page New releases will be posted there. Users can subscribe to the project record and will be informed by mail. The author of JChart2D is not able to view the subscribers, they remain anonymous.
CVS Web-access Programmers that want to take a quick glance at certain sources are faster by watching the file through cvs Web-access instead of downloading the latest source release. Hint: Don't follow the top-level "jchart2d/aw" - link, everything is in the attic there. Look into the "jchart2d/src" folder.

Other open source projects of JChart2D's author

cpdetector An open source framework for codepage detection. Ships with a command line tool that allwos to sort large collection of documents by codepage or transform then into other codepages.
jbuzzer A free end user desktop application that allows to trigger audio samples with the computer keyboard.

Other charting libraries

JFreeChart A free Java chart library. JFreeChart supports pie charts (2D and 3D), bar charts (horizontal and vertical, regular and stacked), line charts, scatter plots, time series charts, high-low-open-close charts, candlestick plots, Gantt charts, combined plots, thermometers, dials and more. JFreeChart can be used in applications, applets, servlets and JSP.

Useful links

Cafe au Lait Daily handpicked Java News and Resources.

Software using JChart2D

AseTune Performance Monitor for Sybase ASE
NutDAC NutDAC, a framework for creating generic real time data acquisition and control applications for embedded systems.
Training of an MLP(Thomas Unterthiner) Thomas Unterthiner used JChart2d in an applet for comparing different training algorithms for a Multi Layer Perceptron (neural network).
jtr0view A Java based binary transient and dc sweep waveform viewer for displaying binary format Hspice output files (.tr0 and .sw0).
JEvalCharter by Cospan Design Function evaluator combined with chart output.
Lionsracing Formula student race car telemetry system (real time).
Last updated on by Achim Westermann hits: