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Donations for JChart2D

JChart2D has been made for fun. It was originally written in fall of 2000 and put to the files. In April 2002 i took the time to rewrite it, in the hope to share it with the open source community.

It has to be pointed out, that JChart2D is free for everyone. Nevertheless some effort and hours were spent to make it clean and stable. If you are incredible rich or think that the effort on jchart2d should be rewarded (or both) you are encouraged to donate money.

Why donate?

  1. Reward the programmers of JChart2D. They will be encouraged to continue development by adding requested features and improving stability.
  2. Reward Sourceforge and the Open Source Initiative with each 5% of your donations. Especially sourceforge earns some money for providing many open source projects with a complete project - management solution including downloads, concurrent versioning systems, free web-hosting, ... .

How to donate?

Just click the following link and follow the instructions. You might have to sign up to paypal, an international payment system based on your email address. But it does not take much time and does not introduce security issues.

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Last updated on by Achim Westermann hits: