
Action implementations to use for creating user interfaces with JMenuItem for jchart2d.


Class Summary
AAxisAction The base class that connects triggered actions with an AAxis instance.
AChart2DAction The base class that connects triggered actions with an Chart2D instance.
AChartPanelAction The base class that connects triggered actions with an ChartPanel instance.
AErrorBarPainterAction Base class that for triggering actions on a IErrorBarPolicy instance.
AErrorBarPolicyAction Base class that for triggering actions on a IErrorBarPolicy instance.
AJComponentAction The base class that connects triggered actions with an JComponent instance.
ATrace2DAction The base class that connects triggered actions with an ITrace2D instance.
ATrace2DActionErrorBarPolicy Abstract Action to act with an IErrorBarPolicy on an ITrace2D.
AxisActionSetFormatter Action that invokes AAxis.setFormatter(info.monitorenter.gui.chart.IAxisLabelFormatter) on a constructor given AAxis.
AxisActionSetGrid Action that invokes AAxis.setPaintGrid(boolean) on a constructor given AAxis.
AxisActionSetRange Action that sets the range of an AAxis of a chart ( Chart2D) that will be used by it's viewport ( AAxis.setRangePolicy(info.monitorenter.gui.chart.IRangePolicy) ) by showing a modal range chooser.
AxisActionSetRangePolicy Action that sets a constructor given IRangePolicy to a constructor given AAxis.
AxisActionSetTitle Action that sets the title String of the IAxis specified by the constructor.
AxisActionSetTitleFont Action that sets the title String of the IAxisTitlePainter of the IAxis specified by the constructor.
AZoomableChartAction The base class that connects triggered actions with an ZoomableChart instance.
Chart2DActionEnableAntialiasing Action that invokes Chart2D.setUseAntialiasing(boolean) upon selection by the triggering AbstractButton.
Chart2DActionEnableHighlighting Action that invokes Chart2D.enablePointHighlighting(boolean) upon selection by the triggering AbstractButton.
Chart2DActionPrintSingleton Singleton Action that prints the current chart by showing a modal print dialog.
Chart2DActionSaveEpsSingletonApacheFop Singleton Action that saves the current chart to an encapsulated postscript file at the the location specified by showing a modal file chooser save dialog.
Chart2DActionSaveImageSingleton Singleton Action that saves the current chart to an image at the location specified by showing a modal file chooser save dialog.
Chart2DActionSetAxis Action for setting an axis implementation of the chart.
Chart2DActionSetCustomGridColor Action that sets a custom grid color to the corresponding chart (Chart2D.setGridColor(Color)) by showing a modal color chooser.
Chart2DActionSetCustomGridColorSingleton Singleton Action that sets a custom grid color to the corresponding chart (Chart2D.setGridColor(Color)) by showing a modal color chooser.
Chart2DActionSetGridColor Performs the action of setting the color of gridlines ( Chart2D.setGridColor(Color)) of a Chart2D with the constructor given Color.
Chart2DActionSetName Action that sets a custom name of the corresponding chart ( Component.setName(String)) by showing a modal String chooser.
Chart2DActionSetPaintLabels Action that invokes Chart2D.setPaintLabels(boolean) on a constructor given Chart2D.
ChartActionSetToolTipType Action that invokes Chart2D.setToolTipType(IToolTipType) with a constructor given IToolTipType.
ChartPanelActionAddAnnotation Action that adds an annotation to a ChartPanel.
ErrorBarPainterActionEdit Action that pops up a modal dialog to edit the given IErrorBarPainter.
ErrorBarPainterActionSetSegmentColor Action that sets a custom color to the corresponding segment of an error bar painter by showing a modal color chooser.
ErrorBarPainterActionSetSegmentPainter Action that sets an IPointPainter to the corresponding segment of an error bar painter.
ErrorBarPolicyActionAddPainter Action that adds a new ErrorBarPainter to the given IErrorBarPolicy.
ErrorBarPolicyActionRemovePainter Action that removes the constructor given IErrorBarPainter from he constructor given IErrorBarPolicy.
ErrorBarPolicyActionShowWizard An action that shows a modal error bar wizard dialog.
ErrorBarPolicyMultiAction Highly proprietary error bar action that changes the behavior depending on the JMenu from which it is triggered.
JComponentActionSetBackground Performs the action of setting the background color (JComponent.setBackground(java.awt.Color)} of a JComponent.
JComponentActionSetCustomBackground Action that sets a custom background color of the corresponding JComponent by showing a modal color chooser.
JComponentActionSetCustomBackgroundSingleton Singleton Action that sets a custom background color of the corresponding JComponent by showing a modal color chooser.
JComponentActionSetCustomForeground Action that sets a custom foreground color of the corresponding JComponent by showing a modal color chooser.
JComponentActionSetCustomForegroundSingleton Singleton Action that sets a custom foreground color of the corresponding JComponent by showing a modal color chooser.
JComponentActionSetForeground Performs the action of setting the foreground color ( JComponent.setForeground(java.awt.Color)} of a JComponent.
PopupListener A general purpose PopupListener.
Trace2DActionAddErrorBarPolicy Action to set an IErrorBarPolicy on an ITrace2D.
Trace2DActionAddRemoveHighlighter Action that adds or removes constructor-given IPointPainter to the corresponding trace.
Trace2DActionAddRemoveTracePainter Action that adds or removes constructor-given ITracePainter to the corresponding trace.
Trace2DActionRemove Action that removes the constructor given ITrace2D from the corresponding Chart2D.
Trace2DActionRemoveErrorBarPolicy Action to remove an IErrorBarPolicy from an ITrace2D.
Trace2DActionSetColor Action that sets a constructor-given color of the corresponding trace.
Trace2DActionSetCustomColor Action that sets a custom color of the corresponding trace by showing a modal color chooser.
Trace2DActionSetName Action that sets a custom name of the corresponding trace by showing a modal String chooser.
Trace2DActionSetPhysicalUnits Action that sets custom physical units for x and y on the corresponding trace by showing a modal dialog.
Trace2DActionSetStroke Action that sets a constructor-given zIndex to the corresponding trace.
Trace2DActionSetVisible Performs the action of setting a trace visible ( ITrace2D.setVisible(boolean)) with the constructor given boolean.
Trace2DActionSetZindex Action that sets a constructor-given zIndex to the corresponding trace.
Trace2DActionZindexDecrease Action that decreases the zIndex of the constructor-given ITrace2D by a constructor-given integer.
Trace2DActionZindexIncrease Action that increases the zIndex of the constructor-given ITrace2D by a constructor-given integer.
ZoomableChartZoomOutAction Action for zooming a ZoomableChart to the original size (zoom out).

Package Description

Action implementations to use for creating user interfaces with JMenuItem for jchart2d.

$Revision: 1.3 $

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