Package info.monitorenter.gui.chart.errorbars

Contains the implementation of the error bar API - namely the interfaces IErrorBarPolicy, IErrorBarPainter and IErrorBarPixel of jchart2d.


Class Summary
AErrorBarPolicyConfigurable A IErrorBarPolicy base implementation that is configurable by the means of showing positive/negative errors in x/y dimension.
ErrorBarPainter Implementation of an error bar painter that allows configuration of the way the connection, start point and end point of an error bar is painted by the use of IPointPainter.
ErrorBarPainterLine An error bar painter that renders no end point and start point and renders a line as segment ( PointPainterLine).
ErrorBarPixel Straight forward dumb data container implementation.
ErrorBarPolicyAbsoluteSummation Configurable IErrorBarPolicy that adds an absolute error (relative to the absolute values) to the points to render.
ErrorBarPolicyRelative Configurable IErrorBarPolicy that adds a relative error (relative to the absolute values) to the points to render.

Package info.monitorenter.gui.chart.errorbars Description

Contains the implementation of the error bar API - namely the interfaces IErrorBarPolicy, IErrorBarPainter and IErrorBarPixel of jchart2d.

$Revision: 1.6 $

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