Package info.monitorenter.util.collections

Advanced collection classes for high performance dynamic charting with small memory footprint.


Interface Summary
IComparableProperty An interface that allows implementors to let themselves be compared by a Comparable Number instance that may be modified by the comparing classs.
IRingBuffer<T> Interface for implementations of RingBuffers.

Class Summary
ComparatorToString<T> A Comparator that compares the given Objects by their Object.toString() value.
Entry<V,K> I have written implementations of java.util.Map.Entry in form of Static inner classes. Non-static inner classes. Non-public classes. Anonymous classes.
RingBufferArray<T> A RingBuffer can be used to store a limited number of entries of any type within a buffer.
RingBufferArrayFast<T> Fast ring buffer implementation.
TreeSetGreedy<T extends IComparableProperty> A Set that will always successfully add new instances and guarantee that all the "Comparable properties" of the contained IComparableProperty instances will build a set (no duplicates).

Exception Summary
IRingBuffer.RingBufferException Special exception related to ring buffer operations.

Package info.monitorenter.util.collections Description

Advanced collection classes for high performance dynamic charting with small memory footprint.

The implementations are mostly very low level - Build from scratch with a lookup in Sedgewick or old c-routines in a custom library on a Motorola 6880 Pesos System. Credits to the staff of the Hardware Lab of HAW Hamburg, the place I studied.

$Revision: 1.3 $

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