Package info.monitorenter.gui.util

Unused package intended for automatic color choosing with the visually most different colors.


Interface Summary
ColorIterator.ISteppingModel Defines the strategy of walking through the HSB color space.
IColorDistributor An interface for distributing colors.

Class Summary
ColorIcon An icon that displays a rectangular Color.
ColorIterator Iterator of the color space.
ColorIterator.ADefaultStepping Just for protected internal float stepping.
ColorIterator.AlphaStepper A stepping model that steps on the alpha channel of the HSB color space.
ColorIterator.APiggyBackStepper Base class for stepping models that may step in each direction of the Hue Saturation Luminance color space.
ColorIterator.HSBStepper Performs hue steps until it has walked the whole hue line, then performs a saturation step to start with hue steps again.
ColorIterator.HSStepper Performs hue steps until it has walked the whole hue line, then performs a saturation step to start with hue steps again.
ColorIterator.HueStepper A stepper that walks along the hue line of the color space.
ColorIterator.LuminanceStepper A stepping model that steps on the luminance line of the HSB color space.
ColorIterator.SaturationStepper A stepping model that steps on the saturation line of the HSB color space.
ColorMutable Mutable Color implementation.
HSBColor Color that internally works with the Hue Saturation Luminance color space.
Messages Message bundle for externalization.

Package info.monitorenter.gui.util Description

Unused package intended for automatic color choosing with the visually most different colors.

This has been developed long ago but never was finished. Nice design though so it cannot be dropped and will sometimes perhaps be used.

$Revision: 1.4 $

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