Package info.monitorenter.gui.chart.demos

Examples for construction of charts using different features.


Class Summary
AdvancedDynamicChart An example that introduces some more advanced features of jchart2d.
AdvancedStaticChart Demonstrates advanced features of static charts in jchart2d.
AntialiasingChart A test for the Chart2D that constantly adds new tracepoints to a Trace2DLtd.
AxisScalePolicyManualTickChart A minimal example for a chart that has manual configured labels/ticks by using AxisScalePolicyManualTicks.
CoordinateViewChart A demo that uses a ChartCoordinateView to display the position of the mouse over the chart.
DynamicChartWithArithmeticMeanTrace Demonstrates minimal effort to create a dynamic chart with a 2nd trace that displays the arithmetic mean of the last 5 points of the first trace.
Log10AxisChart A demo chart that uses a logarithmic axis for Y ( AxisLog10) and a trace painter for discs (TracePainterDisc).
Log10AxisChartZoomable A demo chart that uses a logarithmic axis for Y ( AxisLog10) and a trace painter for discs (TracePainterDisc).
LogAxisChart A demo chart that uses a logarithmic axis for Y (AxisLog10) and a trace painter for discs (TracePainterDisc).
MinimalDynamicChart Demonstrates minimal effort to create a dynamic chart.
MinimalStaticChart Title: MinimalStaticChart
MinimalStaticChartLargeData POC to show that "on some computers" jchart2d is able to show 70.000 data points.
MinimalStaticChartWithNanValues Title: MinimalStaticChart
MultiAxesStaticChart Title: MultipleAxesStaticChart
MultiAxisZoomTest Demonstration of a zoom - enabled chart (ZoomableChart).
MultipleCharts Demonstrates minimal effort to create multiple charts in one window.
MultitraceStaticChart A demonstration of the minimal code to set up a chart with static data and several traces.
MultiTracing An example that tests the ability of multithreaded use of a single Chart2D.
Showcase Advanced demonstration applet for jchart2d.
StaticChartDiscs A demo chart that uses a TracePainterDisc.
StaticChartErrorBarLineDisc Title: StaticChartErrorBarLineDisc
StaticChartFill A demo chart that uses a TracePainterFill.
StaticChartWithBoxAndTitle Title: StaticChartWithBoxAndTitle
StaticChartXAxisInverse Title: StaticChartXAxisInverse.
StaticCollectorChart A chart to test labels.
TraceTester A test class that steps through all ITrace2D implementations and adds random or "half- random" TracePoint2D -instances.
VerticalStackedChartsWithParametricSpirals Two charts aligned vertically (via Chart2D.setSynchronizedXStartChart(Chart2D)) that display geometric forms backed by mathematics I do not understand (any more) ;-) .
ZoomChartWithErrorBarsAndLogAxis Demonstration of a zoom - enabled chart ( ZoomableChart) with error bars and an AxisLogE for the y axis.
ZoomTest Demonstration of a zoom - enabled chart (ZoomableChart).

Package info.monitorenter.gui.chart.demos Description

Examples for construction of charts using different features.

If you search for features and look for overviews please execute these classes (they all have a main), look for the features and if interested look at the sourcecode that may be browsed at and at

$Revision: 1.4 $

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