Package info.monitorenter.gui.chart.controls

GUI controls for charts and traces.


Interface Summary
LayoutFactory.BasicPropertyAdaptSupport.IRemoveAsListenerFromComponentCondition Interface to handle the removal of the LayoutFactory.BasicPropertyAdaptSupport as a property change event listener.

Class Summary
LayoutFactory Factory that provides creational methods for adding UI controls to Chart2D instances and ITrace2D instances.
LayoutFactory.BasicPropertyAdaptSupport Implementation for a PropertyChangeListener that adapts a wrapped JComponent to the following properties.
LayoutFactory.BasicPropertyAdaptSupport.RemoveAsListenerFromComponentIfTraceIsDropped Implementation based on the event Chart2D.PROPERTY_ADD_REMOVE_TRACE sent with an old value ITrace2D that has to be matched.
LayoutFactory.BasicPropertyAdaptSupport.RemoveAsListenerFromComponentNever Implementation dummy that never will decide to remove the calling LayoutFactory.BasicPropertyAdaptSupport to be removed.
LayoutFactory.PropertyChangeCheckBoxMenuItem A JCheckBoxMenuItem that listens for changes of background color, foreground color and font of the given JComponent and adapts it's own settings.
LayoutFactory.PropertyChangeMenuItem A JMenuItem that listens for changes of background color, foreground color and font of the given JComponent and adapts it's own settings.
LayoutFactory.SelectionPropertyAdaptSupport Implementation for a PropertyChangeListener that adpapts a wrapped JComponent to the following properties.
OneStringChooserPanel A panel that allows to input a String via a normal JTextField.
RangeChooserPanel A panel that allows to choose a range from a special JSlider with two sliders (dual Slider).
TwoStringsChooserPanel A panel that allows to input two Strings via normal JTextField.

Package info.monitorenter.gui.chart.controls Description

GUI controls for charts and traces.

This package offers widgets that allow to act (control) and react (view) on charts and traces.

The implementations are kept minimal but some controls consist of several visible components. Therefore fixed layouting has to be done. In that case the widgets are intended for demonstration of chart / trace interaction only.

$Revision: 1.3 $

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