Package info.monitorenter.gui.chart.axis.scalepolicy

Class Summary
AxisScalePolicyAutomaticBestFit Very basic and fast scale policy implementation that ensures the following: Every scale tick is a minor or major tick of the corresponding axis. If a scale tick was found that matches a major and a minor tick it is judged as major tick. Every major tick is a multiple of minor ticks: It is not possible for the sum minor ticks to "skip" a major tick. There is no guarantee that the labels of ticks will overwrite each others. There is no guarantee that the major and minor ticks of the axis are chosen in a reasonable manner: You could get no labels at all if the values are too high or thousands of labels with a weird output.
AxisScalePolicyManualTicks Scale policy implementation that ensures the following: No label will overwrite the following label. No two labels will have the same value. Every tick will exactly show the value without rounding errors. Always the closest next possible tick is chosen regardless whether it is a major tick or a minor tick (subject to change in favor of major ticks)
AxisScalePolicyTransformation Very basic implementation that has to be used with implementation of AAxisTransformation to have the scale transformed.

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