Class AAxisTransformation.YDataAccessor

  extended by info.monitorenter.gui.chart.axis.AAxis.AChart2DDataAccessor
      extended by info.monitorenter.gui.chart.axis.AAxis.YDataAccessor
          extended by info.monitorenter.gui.chart.axis.AAxisTransformation.YDataAccessor
All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:
AAxisTransformation<T extends AxisScalePolicyTransformation>

protected final class AAxisTransformation.YDataAccessor
extends AAxis.YDataAccessor

Accesses the y axis of the Chart2D.

See Also:
AAxis.setAccessor(info.monitorenter.gui.chart.axis.AAxis.AChart2DDataAccessor), Chart2D.getAxisY(), Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class info.monitorenter.gui.chart.axis.AAxis.AChart2DDataAccessor
Constructor Summary
AAxisTransformation.YDataAccessor(Chart2D chart)
          Creates an instance that accesses the y axis of the given chart.
Method Summary
protected  void scaleTrace(ITrace2D trace, Range range)
          Scales the given trace in the dimension represented by this axis.
 double translatePxToValue(int pixel)
          Transforms the given pixel value (which has to be a awt value like MouseEvent.getX() into the chart value.
 int translateValueToPx(double value)
          Transforms the given chart data value into the corresponding awt pixel value for the chart.
Methods inherited from class info.monitorenter.gui.chart.axis.AAxis.YDataAccessor
getDimension, getHeight, getMaximumPixelForLabel, getMaxValue, getMinimumValueDistanceForLabels, getMinValue, getPixelRange, getValue, getValueDistanceForPixel, getWidth, toString, translateMousePosition
Methods inherited from class info.monitorenter.gui.chart.axis.AAxis.AChart2DDataAccessor
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AAxisTransformation.YDataAccessor(Chart2D chart)
Creates an instance that accesses the y axis of the given chart.

chart - the chart to access.
Method Detail


protected void scaleTrace(ITrace2D trace,
                          Range range)
Description copied from class: AAxis.AChart2DDataAccessor
Scales the given trace in the dimension represented by this axis.

This method is not deadlock - safe and should be called by the Chart2D only!

scaleTrace in class AAxis.YDataAccessor
trace - the trace to scale.
range - the range to use as scaler.
See Also:
AAxis.YDataAccessor.scaleTrace(info.monitorenter.gui.chart.ITrace2D, info.monitorenter.util.Range)


public double translatePxToValue(int pixel)
Description copied from class: AAxis.AChart2DDataAccessor
Transforms the given pixel value (which has to be a awt value like MouseEvent.getX() into the chart value.

Internal use only, the interface does not guarantee that the pixel corresponds to any valid awt pixel value within the chart component.

Warning: A value transformed to a pixel by AAxis.AChart2DDataAccessor.translateValueToPx(double) and then retransformed by AAxis.AChart2DDataAccessor.translatePxToValue(int) will most often have changed, as the transformation from value to px a) has to hit an exact int b) most often will map from a bigger domain (value range) to a smaller one (range of chart on the screen).

translatePxToValue in class AAxis.YDataAccessor
pixel - a pixel value of the chart component as used by awt.
the awt pixel value transformed to the chart value.
See Also:


public final int translateValueToPx(double value)
Description copied from class: AAxis.AChart2DDataAccessor
Transforms the given chart data value into the corresponding awt pixel value for the chart.

The inverse transformation to AAxis.AChart2DDataAccessor.translatePxToValue(int).

translateValueToPx in class AAxis.YDataAccessor
value - a chart data value.
the awt pixel value corresponding to the chart data value.
See Also:

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