Interface IPointFinder

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IPointFinder

Interface for finding a ITracePoint2D of a Chart2D corresponding to a mouse event.

This is used to allow a pluggable strategy for this task which is needed by point highlighting and/or tool tips.

Achim Westermann

Method Summary
 ITracePoint2D getNearestPoint(int mouseEventX, int mouseEventY, Chart2D chart)
          Returns the nearest ITracePoint2D to the given mouse event's screen coordinates.
 ITracePoint2D getNearestPoint(java.awt.event.MouseEvent me, Chart2D chart)
          Returns the nearest MouseEvent to the given mouse event's screen coordinates or null if no point was found / service is not implemented.

Method Detail


ITracePoint2D getNearestPoint(int mouseEventX,
                              int mouseEventY,
                              Chart2D chart)
Returns the nearest ITracePoint2D to the given mouse event's screen coordinates.

mouseEventX - the x pixel value relative to the chart (e.g.: MouseEvent.getY()).
mouseEventY - the y pixel value relative to the chart (e.g.: MouseEvent.getY()).
chart - to search points within.
the nearest ITracePoint2D to the given mouse event's screen coordinates.


ITracePoint2D getNearestPoint(java.awt.event.MouseEvent me,
                              Chart2D chart)
Returns the nearest MouseEvent to the given mouse event's screen coordinates or null if no point was found / service is not implemented.

Simple implementations could use Manhattan distance or Euclid distance.

me - the mouse event over the chart.
chart - to search points within.
e nearest MouseEvent to the given mouse event's screen coordinates or null if no point was found / service is not implemented.

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